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Table 1 Infrastructure Financing and Funding Practices

From: ‘The governance of local infrastructure funding and financing’




Established, ‘Tried and tested’

Taxes and fees

Special assessments; User fees and tolls; Other taxes.


Extensive range of grant programmes at multiple levels (e.g. federal national, province, state, supranational)

Debt finance

General obligation bonds; Revenue bonds; Conduit bonds; National Loans Funds (e.g. PWLB).

Tax incentives

New market/historic/housing tax credits; Tax credit bonds; Property tax relief; Enterprise Zones.

Developer fees

Impact fees; Infrastructure levies.

Platforms for institutional investors

Pension and Insurance infrastructure platforms; State infrastructure banks; Regional infrastructure companies; Real estate investment trusts; Sovereign Wealth Funds.

Value capture mechanisms

Tax increment financing; Special assessment districts; Sales tax financing; Infrastructure financing districts; Community facilities districts; Accelerated development zones.

Public private partnerships

Private finance initiative; Build-(own)-operate-(transfer); Build-lease-transfer; Design-build-operate-transfer.

Asset leverage and leasing mechanisms

Asset leasing; Institutional lease model; Local asset-backed vehicles.

Newer, ‘Innovative’

Revolving infrastructure funds

Infrastructure trusts; “Earn Back” / “Gainshare” funds.

  1. Source: Adapted from Strickland, T. (2014) The financialisation of infrastructure funding and financing in the UK and the US, CURDS: Newcastle University